Fennix Information Archive
Fennix species are © RiverofStars 2020
- Introduction -

Fennix (pronounced Fen-ix) are a race from the large habitable moon of Zahara. The surface of which is similar to that of a desert oasis. With pockets of crystal clear waters, lush alien flora, and abundant resources amongst an otherwise dusty barren land of dunes and massive rock formations. There is much more to this world than meets the eye however. What lies beneath the surface is a vast network of cave systems, filled to the brim with artifacts and ruins of an ancient civilization. This is where the Fennix originally emerged from and where many still call home.Although Zahara is a popular tourist spot in the galaxy, very rarely are any off-worlders allowed into the subterranean labyrinths. The Fennix are extremely protective of the collective knowledge held within the ruins.Fennix are highly inquisitive, intelligent, and thus have a society centered around seeking knowledge and preservation of culture. Many Fennix are scientists, scholars, writers, musicians, and artisans.
- The Ruins -

The underground ruins of Zahara expand almost the entirety of the planet and are thought to go deeper than any Fennix or off-worlder archeologists and treasure hunters have ever fully explored. Many dangers and unnatural deaths await anyone foolhardy enough to take that gamble. As such there are Fennix guardians to keep anyone from venturing too far into the depths.It has been reported that some of the lost technology and artifacts within the ruins become more complex and grandiose in the lower levels. There is speculation as to whether the ruins themselves were created by ancient settlers long ago while the surface was still vast open canyons or if the entire planet itself was artificially created by an unknown race.There are many theories about the history and origin of Zahara that remains one of the most bewildering mysteries of the galaxy to this day, but only the Fennix truly know its secrets.
Coming Soon

This page will remain under construction until I have time to create the necessary infographics, but I will fill this page with some written information until then.
Let's talk about the biological & anatomical features of the canid-like race known as the Fennix. The most notable feature of the Fennix are their dual sets of long ears which are covered in short fur on the outside and fleshy insides that similarily resemble a bat's ear. One set of ears can hear higher frequencies while the other hear lower frequencies. Another unique feature are their antennae. These function much like whiskers and are acutely sensitive to changes in air pressure and temperature. These adaptations help them to hear and navigate the underground tunnels of their ancestors.They have large expressive eyes that have excellent visibility in total darkness. Some Fennix, roughly 2% of the population, are born with a third eye in the middle of their forehead. This is usually seen in individuals who live in the lower levels of the underground while those living closer to or on the surface are rarely born with this mutation. There is much speculation as to the reason for the third eye. Whether it is an additional sensory organ that sees in a different spectrum or has other unique properties is unknown.Fennix are agile creatures that are quick and light on their feet and have musculature in their legs much like that of kangaroo rat.Southern dwelling Fennix have a long plumed tail that sports an extra set of feelers on it which helps them determine where to land and even change direction in mid-air. The Nothern variants have a silky bushy tail which help to keep them warm. It also has feelers similar to that of their Southern cousins.
The majority of Fennix have lithe, petite bodies with most individuals barely reaching over 5 feet tall.
Gender & Sexuality
Fennix don't usually follow sexual dimorphic norms and for most other races it's difficult to tell their gender at first glance. Whereas females are more likely to grow breast tissue, this is not always an indication of gender. Intersexed individuals are common amongst this race which is why Fennix society are considered more non-traditional when it comes to perceived gender roles.
Their dental profile is similar to that of most omnivores and their diet largely consists of fruit, vegetables, and insect protein. Since Zahara started to see visitors and tourists they've learned how to barter and trade. Much of which is in fruit & spices.
Fennix have a native language consisting of barks, growls, trills, and a variety of other primal sounding vocalizations that aren't easily spoken by off-worlder tongue. Although many Fennix have no issue picking up and speaking most Terran languages if need be. There are some who opt to use a translator (usually worn around the neck) if they are traveling off-world. Without one they are sometimes mistaken for a lost pet and may unwillingly end up on the black market.As for a written language. I haven't really put much thought into it. Probably something geometric in design.
Markings & colorations
Fennix have a variety of color mutations ranging from natural hues to some vibrant neons as well. When it comes to these creatures I feel it is important for people to design them in a way that speaks to the character's personality through color.Although most patterns, such as spots, stripes, gradients, and monochromatics, are welcome. There are a few uncommon colorations which are as follows:
• Calico
• True albinism
• Chimera
• Bioluminescence
This is not to say that you may not use them in your own designs. These are simply guidelines to consider when creating your own Fennix.
What inspired the Fennix?
A previous adopt I made was a quad-eared fennec fox, with antennae, and a third eye. I enjoyed drawing it so much and the overall response from others was really positive. So I decided to make it into a species that others could have fun with as well!
Are the Fennix an open species?
Yes they are! For those unfamiliar with the term, open species means you can create your own character without having to contact the original creator for permission. Credit is always appreciated however.
Can I add 'xyz' to my Fennix?
If you wish to add any non-canonical traits to your Fennix all that I ask is that you call it a hybrid or mutation.
What kind of genitalia do they have?
I did not create this species with NSFW content in mind. You are more than welcome to draw them with whatever 'parts' you feel would fit best for your character.
Do I need to purchase the official base to make my own fennix?
Nope! It is for people that want a base to play with, color, and/or make adoptables with.
Can I add tattoos, piercings, or cybernetic parts to my fennix?
Yes of course!
Accessorize them as much as you wish!
What is the plural of Fennix?
The plural for Fennix is Fennix. A group of Fennix. A gathering of Fennix. Etc.
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